Photographed By a Naked Half, Ricky Harun Accept Risk
Jumat, 16 Mei 2008 0 komentarActress Magazine. Jakarta - Ricky Harun have been involved by shooting film Marry Contract. In that film, Ricky And Wiwid Gunawan act the bad scene. Photograph from scene presenting that naked Ricky half, circulating again " oh! This its true original photo. But, that taken by moment of film scene Marry the Contract. Its Genuiness is nope seen naked like this. Wiwid still wear the kemben, gue wear the pants," say Ricky, in location syuting, Golf of Range of Legend Town, Cibubur, Jakarta East, Thursday ( 15/5/2008).
Ricky do not willing to take confused by circulating it photo which taken away from [by] a the film scene. He/She have ready to accept the risk " Iam not annoyed, but is not balmy. iam plunged to entertainment have thought all risk," sharpness this sun Donna Harun no respon if the photo intentionally be disseminated by a party which less like to. " If there is people nope like of equal iam, nope disturb. iam likes society. iam no respon photograph this circulate where about even also. Take the just just hikmahnya benefit, by circulating it photograph that can recall the film Marry the Contract," he said.(one)
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