Online Magazine. Jakarta - Obstinacy of Machica Moechtar of so to be its child get the confession from former Mensesneg Moerdiono do not recognize the fatigue. This dangdut singer is planning inform against its case to Minister Punish and HAM of Andi Mattalatta "I will be non-stoped to struggle for the child of my. I planning to come in contact with the Menkum HAM," say the Machicha moment met in its residency in Road;Street of Turtledove III, Glorious Bintaro, Tangerang, Monday ( 21/7/2008}. Machica confess the x'self do not own any intention. All that doing/conducting of purification for the bliss of her child, Muhammad Iqbal " I only wish he/she earn the confession from father her contain. So that I can be calm, because during the time I confuse if he/she claim to come in contact with its father," express the Machica with the sorrowful face this dangdut singer Origin Makassar will be non-stoped to struggle to get the justice for its child
" Any I will do/conduct for the shake of child. I will be non-stoped to look for that justice," say her.(one)
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