Hair Panted Black, Maia Estianty not trust self

Minggu, 29 Juni 2008 0 komentar

Online Magazine. Jakarta - middle Maia Estianty try luck in acting world. But, for the shake of its his new career, this three child mother have to allow its hair is which that chromatic have to in black paint.

Maia confess do not pede of alias of self confidence with the its hair colour "just, I nope pede with the hair of like this. I am accustomed to colourful hair, become snugly in black paint, have time to confuse also sih," express the Maia moment met in restaurant in number of Jakarta of South arch not yet this old Maia tell, since x'self not yet married till own the child, its hair always in paint with the fair colour "Have from first, time still at school also I my hair that have variegation. Its like exclaim," woman word which is being face the this domestic tempest Therefore, Maia feel the loss of x'self identity "I that assume my hair is colourful is my individuality. Hence it him snugly my hair colour change, have time to be clumsy also. But now have started accustomed," said Maia.

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Gita Gutawa Wish To Become The Architect

Rabu, 25 Juni 2008 0 komentar

Duartis, Online Magazine. Jakarta - Its Activity as singer, don't make the Gita Gutawa forget his education. Even its activity is very solid, but assess the Iesson of sun this musicians Erwin Gutawa have never disappointed. Decrease to have to decrease, in the reality Gita want to be a architect "Make I education that's important banget.

Let I business, I nope number have duakan school. Because I want to be the architect," word of Gita Gutawa,in number of Gourd Maisonette, some times then Its desire become the architect, is not quit of second figure of its parent is which architect master "I is interested to be become the architect, because mamma and poppa which architect make I inspiration," say the owner of name of this Aluna Sagita Gutawa Success in education and in music have been reached for by first putri from two have this you to. That matter don't then make the this pelantun Doo Be Doo full of x'self. Exactly Gita is progressively challenged to reach for best.

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