Online Magazine. Jakarta - As new comer in industry of fatherland music, name of Aura Kasih start to steal the public attention. But, a lot of opinion upraised popularitas Aura of its physical fascination cause is eye moment Ditanya, former finalist of Miss of 2007 Indonesia that, do not slap down the mentioned " If there is praising my appearance with the title beautiful or section, I just sih compliment.
But I prefer to if spelled out members by singer or musicians," say the Aura of moment Love met in office Sindo in number of Kebon Sirih, Jakarta Center the, Wednesday (9/7/2008), Even there is assessing like that, but Aura is not sissy artist type. He/She intend to prove to its ability everybody become the singer which with quality that shown by this ladder feet owner learntly process the vowel and involve the song brought " I will be non-stoped to exercise the vowel. I wish to improve the my voice quality," he said self confidence Do not only that, Aura even also middle to in this time learn to create the song. He/She wish the its own menyanyikan creation song and own the role more in album of both later.(one)
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